instruction card. illustration for medical instruction swing tag


This instruction illustration for medical instruction swing tag was created for the Quick Start swing tag for Rober medical mattresses. Using easy to understand graphics that works across multiple languages was critical for its use internationally.


The goal was to provide easy-to-use, multi-language instructions that could be readily accessed by medical staff in a hospital setting. While the client’s brief presented some challenges, the task was accomplished successfully.


The styling of the instruction illustration focused on clarity and simplicity, ensuring that the instructions could be easily understood by a wide range of skilled hospital staff. The use of symbols such as ticks, crosses, and arrows helped convey important information, while the strategic use of colour helped to highlight key elements within the graphic drawings. Created using Adobe illustrator or produce the graphic instruction drawings.


To address the complexity of the instructions, a swing tag format was chosen for its easy accessibility. This swing tag was affixed to the medical mattress to prevent loss and allow quick access whenever needed. Additionally, a QR code was included on the swing tag, enabling users to access a more detailed user manual through their smartphones. This concept proved to be highly successful in providing comprehensive guidance to medical staff.

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hero shot Adrian Cartwright freelance illustrator, Graphic illustrator, technical illustrator, graphic Artist, instruction drawer

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 01332 517544