Editorial illustration is commonly used to promote writing, for instance in a magazine, or on-line to support written articles.
Promoting the written text with an illustration can convey a perspective or message very quickly. Making the illustration a powerful accessory to the overall message, simply by grabbing the readers attention.
Below are a wide range of illustration styles that have fitted into editorial Illustration, and each illustration has its own requirements from the illustration commission.
Global supply disruption
Commissioned for the magazine cover, accompanying the cover story about the global issues regarding solar energy following the Covid 19 pandemic of 2020.
Working with the editor, developing the concept with pencil visuals. Consideration for the style was discussed, and a Low Poly styled illustration was chosen. The illustration was created using SketchUp, and finally completed in Adobe photoshop.
Learn more about this editorial illustration by clicking here.
Office communication design
Illustration commission was to produce an illustration that said what the client did. Simply put, How a company’s environment should be designed .
Showing the different areas (Zones) floating on platforms works well, keeping the illustration clean and easy to understand.
Want to learn more about this illustration, then visit here.
Low poly photorealistic
Lighthouse illustration in a low poly style, created as a sample illustration for an international client.
Another low poly styled illustration is also on this website, but not photorealistic in its render.
Realism was achieved partly using Podium rendering software, and then Adobe photoshop.
To learn more about this illustration, visit its page in the portfolio.
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Customer FAQ
illustrator FAQ
How much will it cost ?
It’s best to contact Adrian with a clear idea what you want, but if you’re not sure, that’s no problem. You can have an informal chat about what you want to do. This is normally the best method. Call Adrian
When can I have it ?
Delivery is typically within 2 weeks. Although the delivery depends on many factors, like amount of work involved. The speed in which reference or answers to questions from the customer can also impact progress. In other cases, some commissions are completed in a matter of a few days. It all depends on the volume of work, and schedule. I suggest asking during the briefing.
What if I don't like it ?
In 33 years freelancing, I’ve never had a job go bad. But I do have a process in place to help protect the customer and myself. It’s a simple process. The illustration is produce over multiple steps, to avoid confusion or going off track. My customers like it, because it involves them, giving input. That way we avoid misunderstanding things, and if so, it’s corrected at that stage.
I always encourage my customers to honestly give feedback when the illustration is delivered to make sure they’re happy with it. And if there’s anything (it happens), then it’s rectified.
Read my reviews to see how commissions go. Reviews
Copyright, who owns it ?
Typically, the copyright belongs to the original artist, but the exclusive usage belongs to the commissioning customer. This is standard international copyright law. And means that nobody without consent from the original artist and commissioner can legally use part of or wholly the art in question. Copyright Law
What do you want illustrating ?
The best method to start with is a telephone conversation. This will cover many questions, and help guide the best options available. This will speed things up a lot, and answer any concerns you might have. Call Adrian 01332517544
Do you have a budget ?
Try to be realistic about commissioning a bespoke illustration from a professional illustrator.
I don’t overcharge my customers, because they’ll go somewhere else next time.
It’s good business to be honest and work together as a team to get the best results. Simples !
Collect all the information you have to help produce the illustration
So please collect reference suitable for the commission.
Are you available for questions & updates ?
In that case one person should be appointed the main contact. This will avoid conflicting feedback, and keep a clear channel for communication.