The globe illustration created in a low poly style of illustration was commissioned by Solar Media. The illustration is a cover illustration for their quarterly trade magazine. It is a global business publication, focusing on solar power, new technologies and practice. Low poly illustration style is quite suitable for clean energy, and the globe Illustration represents an international tone.
I have been producing magazine cover illustrations for Solar Media for many years, and have gained a good understanding of the technology.
Normally I’m briefed on the cover story, and following a meeting with the editor, I will create some concepts for the art directors consideration. Then once agreed, I produce an artist sketch, also known as a visual for customer feedback and approval.
The Low Poly style was considered early on in the design process. And has worked well considering the complexity of the cover story “Global supply and shipping issues during the global Pandemic”.
To see more examples of globes or low poly illustration, simply visit the folio page here.