illustration of a Health and Safety Cartoon for the Work place. Commissioned by LaFarge, for thier on site Health and Safety Posters and leaflets.
This is just one example of many safety illustrations I produced for LaFarge UK.
They client wanted humorous images that the workforce would understand and engage with. Too often Health and Safety posters were serious and ignored. So I suggested adding elements that the viewer could relate to, and find amusing. This was considered a more memorable and effective method to get the message across.
The style needed to be friendly and simple without making the viewer feel they were being patronised. This is easier said than done. But I think you’ll agree that they aren’t patronising and have a level of humour that’s not inappropriate for safety literature.
The illustrations were first sketch out on paper, for customer approval and graphic illustration content. Then the illustration was created in Adobe illustrator and supplied to the customer as a vector image.
This allowed changes to the illustration with ease and also the option to consider colour alternatives.
Before the final delivery of the artwork, the company logo was added, but it wasn’t considered suitable to render the logo freehand. The corporate logo couldn’t be altered beyond perspective, so I had to keep its proportions as close to the actual logo as possibly… I perfectly understand why this was the case, but I do feel that it looks slightly out of style with the rest of the illustration.
I try to add some movement to my action illustrations, and this illustration had a lot of action. I have tried many different ways to add movement to my illustrations, and if you want to see more examples, please visit the folio and explore more of my work.