technical illustration showing cutaway and ghosting. illustration of a hovercraft in a technical illustration style


Step into the world of technical illustration with a detailed illustration of a hovercraft in a technical illustration style. The R6 hovercraft is one of the most iconic of Hovercrafts. So it’s only right to share the technology and skills needed to develop and construct such an amazing vehicle. By showcasing its internal parts and construction, made possible with the skills of expert illustrator Adrian Cartwright. The viewer absorbs its fascinating design by creating cutaway views, and in some places ghosting, to show internal features.


The aim of this illustration was to provide an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of the R6 hovercraft. By showcasing its internal components and structure, viewers can gain insight into the intricate details of this innovative vehicle.


This technical illustration follows the esteemed styling of MOD line-work, reminiscent of renowned workshop manuals and owners manuals such as those by Haynes. The use of a rotating pens on film brings a level of precision and authenticity to the illustration, further enhancing its technical appeal. Although this technical illustration was hand drawn, the style is a classic technical style that can be re-produced using Adobe illustrator and other vector based illustration software.


While this illustration may be from a bygone era, it continues to serve as an inspiration for modern-day technical illustrators. If you’re interested in exploring more examples of technical illustrations, click here to discover a world of technical expertise.

More technical illustration examples here. See the complete portfolio here.

hero shot Adrian Cartwright freelance illustrator, Graphic illustrator, technical illustrator, graphic Artist, instruction drawer

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 01332 517544